Dear Cherry,

On behalf of the Zikulise Cornrnunitv Upliftment Project NPC we would like to take this opportunity to express our most sincere appreciation to you and to vour organisation Celebrate
Lite SA for the recent donation of three wood burning ovens. Directly as a result of your incredible generosity we have been enabled to offer baking skills training at our Richards Bay
branch, which otherwise would not have been possible.

The wood burning ovens are proving to be instrumental in changing Vives in our community. Seven individuals have now been enabled to facilitate bakjng training and to-date thirty-three
beneficiaries have received baking training, using the ovens.

“I was trained at Zikulise to be a baking trainer using a wood burning oven. it was amazing! From chopping wood, stoking the oven and mixing ingredients, we made the most amazing bread, rolls, pizza, snowballs and muffins. It was so different from my small electric two-plate oven. I couldn’t believe the results. Everything was so delicious! – Fanelesibonga Zulu from eSikhaIeni.

“It is the best bread I have evertasted!• savs Nondumiso Ndlovu from Umlando III Co-operative in Ekuphumuleni Reserve. “I am part of baking co-operative and I have learnt so much from the baking course. will be able to pass on mv knowledge to the other members and we will be baking the best bread in our community!’ Once again, our grateful thanks.